Which translates to 'what's up' for those of you, who aren't 'down with the kids'. Maybe you'll surprise the young'uns with your new found language skills the next time they spout endless reams of unidentifiable syllables. Enjoy the blank stare you'll receive - half full of confusion and contempt for you.
But anyway, moving on.
As mentioned in my previous posting, I wanted to get my latest Story 'out there'. This ideally would be the first book I would like to get published, although being a young inexperienced author - it will be a lot of work I imagine. Someone suggested I should also create a Google+ page in terms of marketing (I rely way too much on Facebook and Linkedin!) Although I've always silently hated the idea of Google+ - has anyone tried it and/or can recommend it to be worth while?
Right well, my latest workings I've decided to title 'Beneath the Door' - Why did I decide on it? Well, you'll have to read it to find out ;)
The story circulates around my protagonist - Terin. A young woman plagued by fears, emotion and amnesia, this is her journey to not only to find 'herself' but to solve a few personal mysteries as well. This is the admittedly the darkest thing that has fallen out of my mind and onto paper, with also a few of my own personal elements interjected as well (couldn't resist!)
The orginal story for this came about whist I was in Primary School, although it was almost a completely different plot. A couple of years ago, I was stuck for inspiration and thought that I wanted to continue this further, thus over the many months that have flown by, I had tossed around ideas and possible scenarios - now only sitting down properly to do it justice and write the thing!
So what have I learned from this experience?
Don't procrastinate, If you want to write a good story - sit down and get on with the damn thing!
- H x